Archive for June 27th, 2010


update on joe and gloria

Joe and Gloria

Thursday night, Joe and Gloria took us out to dinner at Fish Tales.  We had a great time catching up with them.  They have settled into their home and keep busy with children and grandchildren coming in and out on a regular basis.  Gloria has also started working again at UTMB – however, it is taxing to her back – so she also goes for physical therapy 3 times a week.  Joe is keeping out of trouble by continuing to work as a toll collector.  Unfortunately, he is still a Cowboys fan.


update on primera’s pastoral house

Volunteers have done a lot of work at Primera Iglesia’s pastoral home over the past few months.  The parsonage passed the electrical inspection.   After that, the work began: drywall, taping and floating, painting, trim work, repainting and oiling the shutters, etc.  The youth team this past week laid all the flooring- laminate and vinyl- and worked on the trim.  The team did a good job, and the ladies of the congregation served them lunch at the church.  It looked like the team had a lot of fun volunteering!  It is amazing that high school youth finished these floors so well.  We are grateful to see all the work that’s been done on the home.  When it is finished, it will put Primera in a much better position to hire a full-time pastor. 

Pastoral house for Primera

Laying the kitchen tile


Installing the laminate floor

Huge stack of donated laminate floor

Huge youth team working

Taking a break in the kitchen

Finished flooring

Finished kitchen floor

More flooring and trim

Flooring and trim

Go team!


the word from pastor tim 6-27-10

Sermon: Psalm 77 Sermon

Text: Psalm 77

To listen, click here:

To download, click here: Psalm 77 Sermon 6-27-10 

In the sermon, Tim illustrates with the following pictures how he thinks we respond in a time of crisis.  We tend to see only our circumstances.  He reminds us to put things in perspective and view our trials in light of what God is doing.  God always has a bigger story that gives us hope even when we are overcome with emotions or difficult situations.  We have faced this in our own lives recently with Tim’s surgery.  We have felt the self-focus and been through the range of emotions, yet we trust and proclaim that God is bigger than our trials.  There is much more to the story than we can see.  We find our hope in the one who loves us.   

Our perspective

Bigger story going on